Sunday, August 3, 2008

One more day closer to Gotcha Day!

Is it August already?  A lot has happened since we traveled again to the County Courthouse, State Police Headquarters, another County Courthouse, and then to the Capital.  We were able to get the dossier updated with fresh cover letters and current dates and into Kathy's hands by Monday July 21, 2008.  She sent our dossier along with another family's by FedEx.  The cost $68.00.  The dossier is to be presented for review in the Ukraine on August 11, 2008.  Prayers for this day would be welcomed.  May the Lord Jesus Christ have his way and may we have ears to listen and trusting hearts to follow his path.
  I received an email from Kathy again that informed me that the INS form-Petition Letter to Adopt was missing from our dossier.  I knew that it was missing because we had just gone back to the Federal Courthouse to have our fingerprints updated.  The fingerprints have an expiration date.  The funny thing about going to the Federal Courthouse was that when we gave the lady behind the glass window our InfoPass appointment for the fingerprint update she asked, "Do you have the finger update form?"  Nooooooo, I do not know anything about the finger update form.  The lady behind the glass window then proceeded to go get the finger update form, only to return with a blank piece of paper and instructed me to write, "We are updating our fingerprints and sign it".  Now that's official for the Federal Courthouse.
Well, I have the INS form in my hand and it needs to be in the Ukraine with the rest of the dossier.  Dilemma.  I need to get the INS form notarized back to the County Courthouse, then the Capital, and finally to the Ukraine.  With a big HipHipHooray a dear friend helped save the day.  First, a friend with a notary stamp was able to notarize and then Tami took off and got everything done.  Thank You.  Then, I took the 2 pieces of paper to Kinko's Fed Ex and had it shipped off to the Ukraine to arrive by August 4th at the low price of $123.00.  I have other fond ideas of spending $123.00 but they are gone.  
So, we are now waiting to hear from the people in the Ukraine to review our dossier and issue us a travel date.  Hopefully, we will have our bags packed and ready to head out sometime in October.  We have been blessed to have a friend who is going to stay at our house with our dog while we are gone.  Tuck the beagle will be able to stay in his own surroundings and be anxiously awaiting for our return.